About me.

I am a Software Engineer in the Greater Seattle area. I live in Bothell, WA, and commute to South Lake Union twice a week.

I grew up in Shanghai, China, and moved to the United States in 2016.

You can find me on Twitter as @skywardpixel. I sometimes stream Hearthstone, Overwatch and Genshin Impact on Twitch.

西雅图软件攻城狮。在中国上海长大,2016 年来到美国读书生活。现在住在 Bothell,每周去两天 SLU 上班。

喜欢玩游戏但是玩得不好,喜欢看书但是看得不多,喜欢二刺螈但是只会一点点日语,喜欢 看电影但是不写影评,喜欢电子产品但是买了吃灰。

有时会在 Twitch 上直播炉石、守望、原神 或者星铁,但是不会露脸说话。
